

ELYSEE REAL ESTATE offers you a professional and accurate valuation of your property. We are discreet and keep all information received during the real estate valuation strictly confidential.

Once we have provided you with our valuation, we will propose you to take complete charge of the sale including administrative management, property visits, analysis of potential buyers’ solvency, negotiations, and all supports needed until the sale of your property is achieved.

In addition to our regular real estate activities in France, we aim at being the French premier real estate firm in Paris, serving Chinese customers seeking to invest in Parisian real estate. In this frame, we give you the opportunity to show your property not only to French buyers but also to Chinese’s.

The Company encompasses an international network of contacts to serve customers’ real estate needs and expectations.



For a valuation of your property, please fill out the form below. We will contact you within the shortest possible time.
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